The players will discover different levels in the Rolling Cheese game at gogy com. There are different ways to get the strawberry to move to the mouse. The task of the player is to find the most accurate way to help the mouse have a good dinner. Different paths are created in this game and players can choose one of them to get the highest score.
The strawberries are high up and you will smash the bricks so they can roll down. If you make a mistake, the strawberries are hard to move and you have to replay that level until you finish the quest. If this game is familiar to you, play again at Gogy girls games and overcome all the challenges most easily.
Save tips on joining this game and share with your friends if they are still having trouble helping the mouse. Is it cute? In addition, you can participate in this game many times until the memorization of the steps and unlock the hardest level that other players also give up.
This is a special feature that you cannot ignore when joining this game of http://gogy.games/girls. You will be familiar with this game when joining multiple times and draw yourself experiences you cannot search anywhere if you do not play this game. The other exploration games are also waiting for you with the same theme as .Nyanicorn. Be creative in your own way of playing.
Instruction to play:
Controls game: Use the left mouse to break the bricks to find the path to the strawberries