The little bee is advancing on the new adventure to avoid being attacked by an unknown creature. Hop into this game of Bee Careful and help this bee avoid the strange bullets coming at him. You can also pay the creature back with the same coin and shoot to eliminate some threats to your bee. The goal is to keep flying in the game for just five minutes without being hit or attacked.
As long as your bee can stay intact for five minutes in this Gogy fun game, you can win the said level. Once you have grasped the basics of the game, you can start finding the enemies on the level to sting them. There are a few movements that you can take control of, which are the direction of flying, the height of the bee, and when to sting the enemies. The bullets shall show up randomly and move towards you in a quick motion.
This means that all players in this game need to stay alert at all times as well as keep their eyes open to steer clear of the dangers. Randomly pop-up items like the hidden boxes and bonuses will be scarce, but pay extra attention to secure them as well.
This game from https://gogy.games/ tests your reflexes at first because most players will need some time to get used to the sensitive motion of the bee. Once you have understood the game, it's time to showcase your unique personal strategy and motions to ace the highest record on the Leaderboard! Conquer other popular gaming options such as Find Out The Criminal from the collection of free games available at the tips of your fingers here.
Instruction to play:
Use the mouse to control the bee's movement.